Simons Collaboration on Plasticity and the Aging Brain Announces Inaugural Class of Transition to Independence Fellows

Simons Foundation, July 2022

Three talented early-career scientists in systems and computational neuroscience have been selected as the first Simons Collaboration on Plasticity and the Aging Brain Transition to Independence fellows. The fellowship aims to support neuroscientists from historically underrepresented backgrounds, recognizing that diversity improves scientific innovation and collaboration in the field of cognitive aging.

Flatiron Institute Partners With the European Space Agency for Latest Gaia Data Release

Simons Foundation, June 2022

From its orbit hundreds of thousands of kilometers above Earth, the European Space Agency’s Gaia spacecraft has observed and mapped our galaxy’s stars with unprecedented detail since its launch in 2013. Today, ESA will release the latest batch of the mission’s data: data release 3 (DR3). For this release, the Flatiron Institute has joined the ESA as a partner data center and will host the full DR3 dataset for the public to access.